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Press Release 24 Jul 2024
Retourn reactivates tourism after natural disasters: discover all the contents and guests of the final conference

On 9 May 2024, the UNIMC Department of Economics and Law, leader of the project, hosted the final conference, together with guests, speakers and academics, …

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Press Release 13 May 2024
Retourn riattiva il turismo dopo i disastri naturali!

Il 9 maggio abbiamo ospitati nel Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto UNIMC, capofila del progetto, la conferenza finale, insieme a ospiti, relatori ed accademici, con …

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Press Release 22 Apr 2024
The final conference of the Return project at the University of Macerata is coming soon!

Macerata – The Department of Economics and Law of the University of Macerata, leader of the Retourn project (Reactivating Tourism after a Natural Disaster), financed …

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Press Release 20 Mar 2024
The Retourn project is training students and employees, to reactivate tourism in Europe after natural disasters

Macerata – The Department of Economics and Law of the University of Macerata welcomes students and professionals in the economic and tourism fields on 26, …

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Press Release 27 Feb 2024
Get to know the RETURN trainers.

RETOURN training began in February 2024 for students and employees of companies in the economic-tourism sector for the reactivation of tourism after a natural disaster. …

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Press Release 27 Feb 2024
RETURN goes live!

RETOURN training began in February 2024 for students and employees of companies in the economic-tourism sector for the reactivation of tourism after a natural disaster. …

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Press Release 6 Sep 2023
Curriculum Design Report is available

We are excited to announce the release of our latest document, the “Curriculum Design Report,” now available for download on our website. This comprehensive report, …

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Events, Press Release 25 Jul 2023
Retourn Workshop: register now

Earthquake, floods, and drought—these are some of the disasters that have affected and continue to affect our territory. It is not easy to restart, and …

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Press Release 20 Feb 2023
The Focus Group Research Report is now available

We are pleased to share with you our latest research endeavor – the “Focus Group Research Report.” This report, a significant output of the PR1 …

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Press Release 20 Feb 2023
The Desk Analysis Report is now available

Discover the essence of the RETOURN project as we unravel profound insights into tourism recovery post-natural disasters. Our latest desk analysis report illuminates a transformative …

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Press Release 1 Jul 2022
Riattivare il turismo dopo un disastro naturale, il programma dell’Ue

Si tratta del progetto RETOURN. Cinque i Paesi europei coinvolti, capofila di questo esperimento è l’Università di Macerata, abbiamo parlato con la referente europea, Elena …

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Press Release 2 May 2022
RETOURN, REcovery TOURism after Natural disaster: a two-year project funded by the European Union to revive tourism after natural catastrophes

On April 7th and 8th, the first Kick-Off Meeting of the RETOURN Project (REcovery TOURism after a Natural disaster) took place in Ljubljana, hosted by …

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Press Release 22 Feb 2022
Rilanciare il turismo dopo le catastrofi. Via al nuovo progetto dell’Università e arriva maxi finanziamento dall’Ue

Al via domani il nuovo progetto europeo guidato dal dipartimento di economia e diritto dell’Università. Il progetto Retourn, “Riattivare il turismo dopo un disastro naturale”, …

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Press Release 7 Feb 2022
Rilanciare il turismo dopo un disastro ambientale: finanziamento di 300mila euro

Il progetto nell’asse Erasmus+ nel 2021, avrà una durata di due anni. Mercoledì 9 febbraio verrà dato il via ufficiale Mercoledì 9 febbraio verrà dato …

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Press Release 7 Feb 2022
Ricerca, finanziamenti europei per turismo e disastri ambientali: oltre 300mila euro per progetto Unimc

Mercoledì 9 febbraio verrà dato il via ufficiale a un nuovo progetto europeo guidato dal Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto dell’Università di Macerata. Il progetto …

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